Cycling Across America - L'Amérique à vélo 2018
Dave Halstead
Dave was born and raised in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. After graduating from Hillsboro High School (Oregon) in 1967, and thanks to a football scholarship, he attended and graduated from Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA), before beginning a long career in education, that culminated with an MA and EdD in education and the assistant superintendent/director of human resources for the Centennial (Oregon) School District. In his spare time, he is an adjunct professor in the School of Education for Concordia University, in Portland, Oregon.
As an avid runner, Dave qualified for and ran in two Boston Marathons and has run many others. As a cyclist, he has notched many century and two-day double centuries over the years and ridden Cycle Oregon, Cycle Montana and a couple of week-long rides in Quebec with Edward.
Lilly Boulianne
Originally from Quebec, Canada, Lilly moved to the United States in 1999. She met David in Dublin, Ireland while traveling in Europe. In 2013, they decided to celebrate their 15th anniversary running a marathon in Halstead (David’s last name), a small city west of England, and went back to Dublin, in the bar where they met! They always enjoy spending times with their kids and their seven grandchildren who live in Vancouver (WA), Dallas (TX), and Quebec City.
Lilly is a graduate from Laval University (Quebec) and worked as a television Producer for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation while living in Quebec, and as the television Director/Coordinator for the Vancouver School District after she moved to the Northwest. She retired from the district in 2010, earned her certification in translation and, since that time, has been working in translation and localization for several international clients and agencies.
Lilly enjoys all outdoor activities and is always looking for new adventures and challenges. She is an experienced cyclist and runner and has several competitions to her credit. Also, a swimmer, she has completed several Half Ironman events over the past few years.
Edward Collister
Besides being a cyclist, Edward is a runner; he has run races in all kinds of weather, from sweltering heat to snow storms to temperatures around minus 36 degrees C to the tail end of a hurricane. He has several marathons under his belt, the most memorable one being the Athens Marathon in 2015 – on what is believed to be the route taken by Philippides in 44 BC. During the winter months, he skis the cross-country trails, patrolling for the Canadian Ski Patrol. While he is on the ski trails, Solange explores the snowshoe trails. They meet up at the end of the day for dinner and a glass (or two) of wine in front of the fireplace.
Edward is not all sport and no fun. He is a voracious reader, a baker of desserts (chocolate is a specialty), a connoisseur of fine wine and micro-brewed beers. Outdoorsy to the max, Solange and he both enjoy walking and hiking with a local walking club.
Edward held several different positions with the Government of Québec – librarian, analyst, research officer and work-flow analyst. Although retired, he continues to be active, teaching English as a second language and translating.
Solange Cyr
Although she and Edward spent their honeymoon cycling in the Netherlands, Solange is more of a golfer that a cyclist. She plays about 70-75 rounds of golf a year at the Montmorency Golf Club, near Quebec City. She has also played in Cuba, the Dominican Republic and the United States. Solange is a great golfer with an envious handicap. She was a member of the golf club’s board of administrators, developing new and innovative types of memberships that appeal to the younger, busier generation. She has also helped negotiate a few collective bargaining agreements.
Solange worked as a librarian at the Ministry of Education of the Government of Québec for more than 30 years. Now retired, she uses her experience to teach human resources management to newly-minted managers. She also coaches them.
Solange may have the most important job in making our trip a success. Besides being responsible for logistics, we will rely on her for nutritional support as our chef and driver of our 30-foot long RV.